Washoe County Commission Opening Invocation
Washoe County Commission Chair Alexis Hill welcomes Reno Satanic founder Jason Miller to read the opening invocation.
Miller went on to invoke Lucifer to guide the commission’s decisions.
Government bodies across the United States are falling one by one to demonic influence. Satanists are self proclaimed atheists espousing the self contradictory claim of “seeking religious equality” while proudly proclaiming to be “anti-religion”.
Satanists make a mockery of the founding of our country and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Satanists worship Lucifer, unwittingly are used as demonic proxies, and put our country and communities in peril.
Invocation Meaning:
the action of invoking something or someone for assistance or as an authority. (SATAN) Similar: Calling
conjuring (up)
the summoning of a deity or the supernatural.
“In the name of the eternal rebel against tyrannical authority”…“The new age is dawning that these new decisions will play a role in.” - Miller
From the Reno Satanic website:
The Greater Northern Nevada Region is experiencing a huge population surge and, with that, new influences, energy, and ideas. Recognizing this opportunity to reach out to like-minded people in our area, Reno Satanic was created to provide a supportive satanic community for members, friends, and allies to explore our philosophy, religion, and art.
We are a non-theistic/atheist group that does not believe in an actual Satan or God. We are not a Chapter of nor affiliated with The Satanic Temple, but we believe their tenets as just another tool. We have no relationship with the Church of Satan or any other satanic groups.
We are inspired by the art and folklore of Satan to push-back against arbitrary authority, to break down negative cultural institutions, and to be in opposition through our community outreach, events, direct action.
We choose to challenge that there is only one “right way” to live one’s life and seek to create a space for our members and allies to experience an authentic, reason-based, non-theistic religious community. We will help put an end to the stigma of what it means to be a Satanist in the 21st century.
Democrat Alexis Hill was Elected to the Board of County Commissioners in 2020, Chair Alexis Hill represents Washoe County Commission District 1.
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